Miniconf People

Miniconf has chosen to indicate “people” as the first and fundamental driver of its strategy.
The well-being of Miniconf People is a primary objective.

The Company has come up with a series of integrated Welfare services: nursery school, harmonisation of school and work hours, flexible and smart working hours, company canteen, and new work spaces.
A concrete attempt to reconcile business needs with a sustainable work/life balance.

Our talents tell their stories

“Working with and for children is a unique privilege. The enthusiasm, energy and spontaneity that children give you are incredible. Our task is to recognise and respect their sensitivity and needs. As adults before we are professionals, it is our duty to always prioritise the beauty of childhood, even if we are struggling with the most complicated photo set!”

Sara Head of Marketing & Communication

“I love my job and I work every day to achieve a high quality result, taking care of every detail - applications, labels, ruffles - and checking every tiniest seam. When something is well done, you immediately see its value and this gives you great satisfaction.”

Cecilia Dressmaker

“When I create a garment, I always try and put myself in the shoes of children, to understand what they need and what they want. I do continuous research on what is trending at the moment, so as to extrapolate the right “recipe” that meets tastes and needs for every occasion”

Sergio Sarabanda Design Manager

I am happy to be working in the world of kidswear and in particular in Miniconf. This company has always been part of my professional experience and I have always admired its soul, which has always distinguished it from others. I have discovered that it is the soul of the people who work here. The ones who really make a difference. Life sometimes accompanies you towards your dreams.

Elisabetta Senior Merchandising Manager iDO

“I feel lucky, because I do a job I like. I can welcome customers with a smile every day, I can make them feel at their ease, make them breathe a positive atmosphere and have them experience a place where they will want to come back. The greatest satisfaction? Hearing the mothers that I had met when they were still obviously pregnant, say: "iDO accompanies our children as they grow”.

Sabrina Store Manager

“I believe I have a fortunate working position, as I have the opportunity to contract directly with all the resources of Miniconf, from the CEO to all other levels of the company organization. This allows me to know the company in all its aspects and to contribute towards achievement of the business goals”

Alessio Business Analyst Senior Manager

Miniconf Academy

The Miniconf training school, fully conceived and organised within the Company.

Personal growth is also growth for the brands: the aim of the Miniconf Academy is to strengthen and progressively build a wealth of skills to accompany the professional growth of all Academists.

Training is not only for young people and new entries, but for all the resources that, regardless of role and age, want to put themselves out there to grow as professionals and as people.






Multiple customised training courses

The training is totally designed and managed by in-house teams and supervisors, who share their skills and competencies with other resources.

The training is customised to suit the individual involved. On the back of this personalised training, Miniconf People leverage their potential and work on their areas of weakness.

The programme also includes field training, which focuses on the staff of single-brand stores, sales networks, and multi-brand trade.